Lesbian Information Line: Project Proposal Submission
Organization profile published 1980
Publisher: Lesbian Information Line, Vancouver, Canada
Year Published: 1980
Pages: 18pp Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2190
For the last two years, a small group of concerned women have been operating a Vancouver crisis and information telephone service for lesbians. For three hours, each of two evenings a week, they have provided a sympathetic ear or a referral to lesbians in need of support. As the telephone line became increasingly popular, they decided to establish an informal drop-in one evening a week. with the inclusion of the drop-in, the volunteer time of this small group of women reached its limit. Most had children and found their lives too hectic. Thus, in mid 1980, the group put together a proposal for funding to hire staff. With the aid of two full-time staff, they proposed to expand the crisis counseling and referral services and to develop a public education program. One staff person would coordinate the Lesbian Information Line and the Lesbian mothers' Support Group (drop-in). the other staff would be a full-time educator with the task of developing training programs for professionals working with lesbians as well as that of developing a conference on Lesbianism that would be open to the public. The goals of the education component would be to "demystify the stereotype of 'lesbian' and deliver factual information about lesbians and their families." This document includes the description of the Goals, Objectives, Budgets and Job Descriptions for the proposed projects.
This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1980.
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