An Illustrated Guide to Growing Food on Your Balcony

Mrosovsky, Lara Lucretia
Year First Published:  {51244 An Illustrated Guide to Growing Food on Your Balcony ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO GROWING FOOD ON YOUR BALCONY Mrosovsky, Lara Lucretia A booklet for people in the city who grow or want to grow plants in container. The information is meant to be basic enough for beginners and informattive enough to be a handy reference for even an experienced gardener. 2011 2015 57pp BC12890s-FoodBalcony.jpg B Book 978-0-9869686-0-0 - <br> <br>The author writes: "Growing your own food is its own reward. But this booklet, and the gardening work and teaching that I do, is motivated by a bigger vision. To me, urban gardens matter because I see them as a small piece of a larger puzzle - the complicated, many-layered puzzle of building alternatives to the globalized, industrial food system." CX21890 1 false true false CX21890.htm [0xc000247020 0xc000307530 0xc000584c30 0xc0009bfc50 0xc0003d2000 0xc002481380 0xc001f549c0 0xc002a25020] Cx}
Year Published:  2015
Pages:  57pp   ISBN:  978-0-9869686-0-0
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX21890

A booklet for people in the city who grow or want to grow plants in container. The information is meant to be basic enough for beginners and informattive enough to be a handy reference for even an experienced gardener.


The author writes: "Growing your own food is its own reward. But this booklet, and the gardening work and teaching that I do, is motivated by a bigger vision. To me, urban gardens matter because I see them as a small piece of a larger puzzle - the complicated, many-layered puzzle of building alternatives to the globalized, industrial food system."

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