It's Your Move
Publisher: Coalitiion for Gay Rights in Ontario, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1980 Pages: 10pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX2180 Abstract: This publication is described as "an action information report from CGRO" (Coalition For Gay Rights In Ontario). This edition highlights a report of the fifth Annual CGRO Conference held in Toronto May 17-19, 1980. The guest speaker at the conference was Bev Salmon, from the Human Rights Commission. Salmon brought the delegates up to date regarding the efforts that the Commission has undertaken thus far. The theme of the Conference was "Grassroots Organising". As expressed in this report, gays in many of the smaller outlying centres in Ontario are often isolated and without communities with which to become involved. The Grassroots Organising Program is an outreach strategy for linking these individuals and helping then to organise gay communities within their area. CGRO first asks if there is a need for organising in a designated town or city. If the need is there, the grassroots organiser then makes a visit to the area, shows a film and speaks about the activities of the CGRO. As well, some social service agencies have been requesting information about gays in order to make referrals. This report further describes how some Ontario cities have progressed with regard to their growing gay communities. The final article in this report comments on the position made by the Anglican Church of Canada in February 1978. Basically, this position is that "homosexual persons are entitled to equal protection under the laws with all other Canadian citizens". The point is made that the Grassroots Organising project is funded by PLURA which in turn is funded by the Presbyterian, Lutheran, United, Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches. In view of this and the fact that CGRO is working closely with Dignity, there is hope that a similar statement regarding gays will come from the Catholic Bishops. Subject Headings |