When a Radio Host Interviews a War Criminal, Is It Churlish to Ask About His War Crimes?
A letter to New York's popular WNYC-NPR radio host Brian Lehrer
Brown, Steve
Date Written: 2017-10-16
Publisher: CounterPunch
Year Published: 2017
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX21665
An open letter to NPR radio host Brian Leher, critizing the host for not providing greater context and background for his guest Elliott Abrams, who was a go to-guy for U.S.-funded terrorism, and helped arrange the overthrow of democratically elected governments throughout Latin America and the Middle East.
Excerpt: Since Abrams's crimes occurred more than a quarter of a century ago, many of your listeners may have forgotten them, or been too young at the time to have understood them. Therefore, they may have been unaware that Abrams, in every sense of the term, is a war criminal, and that his involvement in genocidal mass murder, by some of the most brutal dictators in modern history, makes his passionate love song, which he sings to democracy in his latest book, a cruelly ironic joke.