Mourn Liu Xiaobo, Free Liu Xia
Loong-yu, Au
http://www.solidarity-us.org/node/5063Date Written: 2017-09-01 Publisher: Against the Current Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX21636 Assessment of the death of Chinese political prisoner Liu Xiaobo, as well as the house arrest of his wife, Liu Xia. Abstract: - Excerpt: Liu was known as an advocate of nonviolence, but actually the picture is more complicated. He wholeheartedly supported Bush's war against Iraq in 2003 and condemned the United Nations for not endorsing the U.S.-UK's war, praising the duo as "representing the regime of freedom and benevolence." That Liu was awarded the Nobel Peace prize is comparable to an effort to square the circle. But let us not be too harsh towards Liu now. Liu himself never claimed to be a "great thinker" nor did he intervene to make the Norwegian Nobel Committee give him the prize. That is the responsibility of those who wish to use Liu. Right now we should continue to focus on demanding Beijing free Liu Xia. We should consider launching an international boycott of Chinese bureaucratic capital so as to press the CCP to respect basic human rights - especially to release Liu Xia. Let us mourn Liu Xiaobo and stand by Liu Xia. |