Ecological Agriculture in Saskatchewan
Publisher: Earthcare, Wynyard, CanadaYear Published: 1980 Pages: 200pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX2125 Abstract: Earthcare is a network of farmers, gardeners and others interested in quality of food, permanent care of the land and environmental protection. Earthcare attempts to facilitate communication among producers of organically grown food, whether large or small scale, to develop practical information on methods of farming that are ecologically sound, and to promote personal and community food self-reliance. Earthcare has no official membership. It is, instead, an association of individuals who live mainly in Saskatchewan (there are also members from Alberta, Manitoba and the other provinces and territories). An information center is staffed by one full time employee and is located in Wynyard. A newsletter highlighting practical gardening and farming methods is published occasionally. A resource center consisting of a wide selection of books, journals and reprints is located at St. Peter's Abbey, Muenster, Saskatchewan. People throughout the province may borrow material through inter-library loans at their local library. Earthcare staff attempt to answer specific questions related to any aspect of ecological agriculture relevant to the Prairies. Earthcare has published a book on ecological agriculture in the Prairies. The book explores ecologically sound methods of farming under Saskatchewan conditions. Included in the book are many farmer case studies as well as chapters on soil management, watershed management, micro-climate control, green manuring, composting, weed control, insect control, plant disease and snow management. This book was written on organic farming for the prairies for all farmers interested in practical alternatives to chemicals in agriculture. Subject Headings |