The Black Infinity Complex

Bell, Shamell
Date Written:  2015-07-01
Publisher:  Against the Current
Year Published:  2015
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX21228

We're a group of UCLA grad students, and our vision of the Black Infinity Complex is inspired by the boundlessness and sustainability of Black creativity and imagination. It's a collective of organizers coming together as a liaison to create a united front of existing structures of grassroots organizations and community institutions, and organizers like you, or scholars.



We move from notions of love that speak beyond mere survival, to foster a world where Black activity is free from oppression and exploitation. In the current moment, it is the love of Black life and imagination that connects the mobilization of indignant bodies to murdered bodies in the streets.

We designate this matrix, linked by love and demands for justice, the Black Complex. And we charge that it is in its radical potential, the character of its possibility is infinite. Thus the Black Infinity Complex: encouraging alternative modes of activism and highlighting culturally driven political engagement, we are focused on collective self-sustainment that serves as a transparent model of community-based health, education, and power.

Recognizing state-sanctioned violence as a Black diasporic experience, our current target is all forms of intrusive and destructive practices that subject Black bodies to premature death.

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