Israel's Slander Network

Engler, Yves
Date Written:  2017-07-28
Publisher:  Dissident Voice
Year Published:  2017
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX21149

The author responds to an article titled "It’s Time to Talk About Yves Engler", which was written by a York University student affiliated to the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA).


Excerpt: What's curious in this, and other smears, is I've done as much as any author in recent years to draw attention to real anti-Semitism in Canada. I've highlighted McGill's quotas on Jewish students in the 1920s, 30s and 40s; medical students at Notre-Dame Hospital striking in 1934 to block a Jewish student from taking up a senior internship; the 1933 Christie Pits Riot where Jewish youth fought back against fascist thugs terrorizing non-Anglo-Saxons; "none is too many" immigration policies; prejudicial land covenants targeting Jews and others into the 1950s. Additionally, I've detailed the multiplicity of forces driving Canadian support for Israeli policy, which undermines the notion its entirely about Jewish Zionist lobbying, an idea that at its most extreme, can veer towards a stereotypical trope.

But, this commentary is not a defence of my writing. Anyone interested in the merits of the slanderous claims against me can pick up Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid or read my articles online to make up their own mind.
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