One Woman Is Behind the Most Up-to-Date Interactive Map of Femicides in Mexico
Ortiz, Lu
http://globalvoices.org/2017/06/15/one-woman-is-behind-the-most-up-to-date-interactive-map-of-femicides-in-mexico/Date Written: 2017-06-25 Publisher: Global Voices Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX21089 The interactive 'Femicides in Mexico Map' is a "citizen-led, civic, independent initiative based on open data which, using geographical coordinates, has been mapping cases of femicide since 2016. Abstract: - Excerpt: The map's creator uses the practical definition of the United Nations model protocol for the investigation of gender-related killings of women, which defines "femicide" as: The murder of women because they are women, whether it is committed within the family, a domestic partnership, or any other interpersonal relationship, or by anyone in the community, or whether it is perpetrated or tolerated by the state or its agents. Her sources are newspaper reports and official statements on femicides, and her motivation is simple and clear: to name every single one of the women so that they are not forgotten. Subject Headings |