Giving a Voice to Local NGOs in a Flawed Global Aid Environment
Wildeman, Jeremy; Mazzoleni, Matteo
http://cdsblogs.wordpress.com/2017/05/23/giving-a-voice-to-local-ngos-in-a-flawed-global-aid-environment/Date Written: 2017-05-23 Publisher: DevLog@Bath Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX21032 Driven by wealthy donor countries, the global aid environment is flawed and unbalanced, and evidence suggests it is taking advantage of the regions they are supposed to be helping. Abstract: -- Excerpt: In reality these are not true partnerships. Regardless of even the best intentions of some donors, the language of partnership clouds a highly asymmetrical, imbalanced relationship. In truth, those with funding exercise incredible power over those who are dependent on those funds, allowing the donor to drive the aid agenda to match their own priorities and interests. That imbalance is so great that research by Dr Moira Faul found that behind the formal networks of the policy making process, recipient "partner" input is completely absent from the informal networks that shape aid. |