Physicians for Social Responsibility
Organization profile published 1980
Publisher: Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 1980
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2086
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) is a volunteer organization of doctors, health care workers and the general public. PSR is dedicated to informing members of the medical profession, health care workers and the public about the medical implications of nuclear energy and power.
This organization was formed in 1962 following the publication of a medical journal articles on the medical implications of the nuclear devastation of a major east coast city. Since 1962 PSR membership has expanded to include a few thousand members across North America, many of these members being physicians.
The Toronto chapter of PSR organized the recently held exhibition of Hiroshima photographs at Toronto City Hall. this chapter has also sponsored lecture and forums on the hazards of nuclear technology; Dr. Helen Caldicott has participated in some of these.
PSR - Toronto feels that the proximity of the Pickering and proposed Darlinton nuclear plants poses a threat to the health of the citizens of Toronto; the chapter also believes that it is irresponsible to import plutonium into Ontario from Europe.
The Toronto chapter has brochures and pamphlets availabel describing its goals and work. one brochure is entitled "Danger -Nuclear War: An Open Letter To President Carter And Chairman Brezhnev". PSR - Toronto welcome contact from all "who are working toward preserving life and health".
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1980.