The Medical Reform Group of Ontario
Organization profile published 1980
Publisher:  Medical Reform Group of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2082

The Medical Reform Group of Ontario (MRG) was formed in 1978 by a small group of doctors who were concerned that there was no voice for progressive, socially-conscious physicians in Canada. They did not feel a forum existed to address the social dimensions of health and disease. The MRG has grown to include over 200 physicians and medical students as well as affiliate members outside the province.

Members are united around three principles:
1. Quality health care is a right that must be guaranteed without financial or other deterrents.
2. All health care workers must address the causes of ill health in social, economic, environmental and occupational conditions, and work to change these.
3. The health care system must be changed to provide a more significant role for all health care workers and for the public.

The MRG has adopted a resolution calling for an end to the practices of opting out and extra billing, and for development of alternate methods of physician payment. Another MRG resolution calls for a reversal of health-care cutbacks, increased expenditures on preventive and community-based services, and funding of health services from tax revenues.

At its May, 1980 semi-annual meeting, the MRG adopted resolutions dealing with health care economics, women and health care, occupational health and safety, health and underdevelopment, community health centers and environmental health. Working committees are active in most of these issue-areas. The MRG has promoted its policies through the media, in conferences and public meetings, in its brief to the Hall Commission and through its quarterly newsletter. Non-physicians can participate in this group as associate members.

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1980.

The Medical Reform Group of Ontario dissolved in 2014.

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