Restoring the Heartland and Rustbelt through Clean Energy Democracy: an Organizing Proposal
Ongerth, Steve
http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/05/16/restoring-the-heartland-and-rustbelt-through-clean-energy-democracy-an-organizing-proposal/Date Written: 2017-05-16 Publisher: CounterPunch Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX20766 A proposal to end capitalism and fight climate change at the same time. Abstract: - Excerpt: The world faces a crises of enormous proportions. Global warming, caused by the continued burning of fossil fuels, threatens life on Earth as we know it, and yet, those most responsible for causing the crisis, the fossil fuel wing of the capitalist class, seems hell bent on doubling down on business as usual. In the United States of America, whose corporate overlords are among the worst offenders, they are led by the recently elected Donald Trump, whose cabinet is bursting at the seams with climate change denialists and fossil fuel capitalist industry representatives. Instead of transitioning to a clean energy economy and decarbonizing society as quickly as possible, as climate scientists overwhelmingly recommend, Trump and his inner circle would seemingly rather not just maintain the status quo; they’ve signaled that they intend to make the worst choices imaginable, putting all of the US’s energy eggs into the oil, natural gas, and coal basket. |