Immigration Law
Publisher: Schools Legal Education Project, Legal Services Society, Vancouver, CanadaYear Published: 1980 Resource Type: Audio Cx Number: CX2055 This slide/tape show, Immigration Law, is an illustrated history of immigration in Canada. Abstract: This slide/tape show, Immigration Law, is an illustrated history of immigration in Canada and its relationship to the development of immigration policy. Intended for use in schools, it is useful for anyone wishing an overview of Canadian immigration law and background material describing its effects. A nine-page Appendix, 'D' to the teacher's guide, relates incidents of the continuing ethnic prejudice in B.C., particularly in regard to East Indians. A comprehensive teacher's guide accompanies the slide/tape show. It provides useful background material on the history of immigration law and its implications. Of particular interest is the analysis of the Green Paper on immigration and its effect on Third World immigrants by Gurbachan Sing Paul (pages I-i to I-viii). The show calls for a new immigration policy that provides equal opportunities for immigration to Canada from all parts of the world, without quotas based on race or geographic area. The stress immigrants encounter is adapting to a new life in Canada is detailed, and the show recommends much more effective settlement programs that will establish lines of communication between the various ethnic and cultural groups so Third World immigrants do not remain isolated. Subject Headings |