The Nature of Mass Demonstrations

Berger, John
Date Written:  1968-05-23
Publisher:  Counterpunch
Year First Published:  {48034 The Nature of Mass Demonstrations NATURE OF MASS DEMONSTRATIONS Berger, John Counterpunch John Berger analyses the social dynamics and strengths of mass demonstrations. 1968-05-23 1968 2017 ART Article -- <br> <br>Excerpts: <br> <br>Mass demonstrations should be distinguished from riots or revolutionary uprisings although, under certain (now rare) circumstances, they may develop into either of the latter. The aims of a riot are usually immediate (the immediacy matching the desperation they express): the seizing of food, the release of prisoners, the destruction of property. The aims of a revolutionary uprising are long-term and comprehensive: they culminate in the taking over of State power. The aims of a demonstration, however, are symbolic: it demonstrates a force that is scarcely used. <br> <br>... <br> <br>It is in the nature of a demonstration to provoke violence upon itself. Its provocation may also be violent. But in the end it is bound to suffer more than it inflicts. This is a tactical truth and an historical one. The historical role of demonstrations is to show the injustice, cruelty, irrationality of the existing State authority. Demonstrations are protests of innocence. CX20293 0 false true false CX20293.htm [0xc0005ba330] Cx}
Year Published:  2017
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX20293

John Berger analyses the social dynamics and strengths of mass demonstrations.



Mass demonstrations should be distinguished from riots or revolutionary uprisings although, under certain (now rare) circumstances, they may develop into either of the latter. The aims of a riot are usually immediate (the immediacy matching the desperation they express): the seizing of food, the release of prisoners, the destruction of property. The aims of a revolutionary uprising are long-term and comprehensive: they culminate in the taking over of State power. The aims of a demonstration, however, are symbolic: it demonstrates a force that is scarcely used.


It is in the nature of a demonstration to provoke violence upon itself. Its provocation may also be violent. But in the end it is bound to suffer more than it inflicts. This is a tactical truth and an historical one. The historical role of demonstrations is to show the injustice, cruelty, irrationality of the existing State authority. Demonstrations are protests of innocence.

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