Millions of people yearning for a "Brexit" from destructive trade deals
Barlow, Maude
http://canadians.org/blog/millions-people-yearning-brexit-destructive-trade-dealsDate Written: 2016-07-25 Publisher: canadians.org Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX20210 While the votes for Brexit, and the support for Trump, may not always choose the best political framing, politicians and elites would be arrogant to dismiss the widespread discontent with the status quo. Abstract: - Excerpt: U.S. President Barack Obama’s recent visit to Canada, against the backdrop of Brexit and the U.S. presidential campaign, had many opinion leaders trying to dismiss concerns about free trade. Now, we’re told, people who are against free trade are isolationists who want to entrench themselves in the past, in a parochial nostalgia for the nation-state. The ideology of free trade opponents can only lead to an inward-looking mentality that fosters wars and destroys the economy. So say the free traders who have been fostering wars and destroying the economy. |