Unions (a film)
Publisher: Canadian Labour Congress - Education and Studies Centre, Ottawa, CanadaYear Published: 1980 Resource Type: Film/Video Cx Number: CX2019 Abstract: Canadian Labor, the Canadian Labors of Congress newsletter, contains the following description of Unions - "Most people, including many union members, know little about trade unions; they usually hear about them only in times of crisis or confrontation. With this in mind, the CLC Labor Education and Studies Center has commissioned Unions, a 27.5 minutes color film showing the human side of trade unions and their members. The movie, produced by Crawley Films of Ottawa, shows union involvement in education, social issues, politics and international co-operation. The audience spends a few minutes with a group of immigrant clothing workers who are learning English so they'll be better able to adapt to life in their new country - sees how volunteer trade unionists help their fellow-workers solve such off-the-job personal problems as financial, drug or alcohol, family welfare or legal problems that cannot be dealt with in collective agreements - witnesses how a bit of common-sense advice can help people to get through the red tape of unemployment insurance or to collect the wages an employer owes them. They also find out why and how unions have constantly pushed for better social legislation and how much Canadians owe them for many of the things taken for granted today - free public education, medicare, minimum wages, paid vacations, pensions." Subject Headings |