James Bellamy Foster's Marx's Ecology, Paul Burkett's Marx and Nature - Review

Smith, Tom
Date Written:  2000-10-04
Publisher:  Synthesis/Regeneration
Year Published:  2000
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX20157

Review of the books 'Marx's Ecology' by James Bellamy and 'Marx and Nature' by Paul Burkett and how they explore the ecological concerns of Marx and Engels.



Foster's and Burkett's books thoroughly debunk this belief. In actual fact, Marx and Engels were deeply concerned about the impact of industry and technology upon nature. Marx attacked "Prometheanism" when his contemporary Proudhon promoted it. Engels discussed the danger, revealed in one historical civilization's collapse after another, of human hubris in dealing with nature: the idea that man could ever dominate and control nature rather than understand better how to sustainably conform to its laws.
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