The Textile and Clothing INdustries in Canada: A Profile

Publisher:  GATT-Fly, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Pages:  45pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX2013

This profile of the clothing and textile industries, produced by GATT-Fly, is their attempt to provide a single source of information concerning the background of these Canadian industries.

The profile includes a description of what textiles are and how they are produced from yarn to fabric. Information is also given on where in Canada textile and clothing plants are located, their number and how many people they employ.

The profile makes connections between the Canadian clothing and textile industries and these industries in other countries. The connections are made through foreign countries, the international trade union connections, and imports/exports and government policy.

The profile points to two trends in Canada in these industries. In textiles, the trend is towards the domination of Canadian production by highly capitalized foreign-owned companies. In clothing, the most recent development is the increase in clothing imports from lower-wage countries in Asia.

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