Green transformation is a political project, not an economic one
Fuher, Lili; Fatheuer, Thomas; Unmusig, Barbara
http://www.theecologist.org/blogs_and_comments/commentators/2987878/green_transformation_is_a_political_project_not_an_economic_one.htmlDate Written: 2016-07-19 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX19817 There is a need for public policy in order for green initiatives to be tangiblem in-depth projects. Abstract: - Excerpt: Instead, we must view the green transformation as a political task. Only a political approach can manage, through genuinely representative institutions, differences of opinion and interest, guided by the kind of open debate, engaging civil society, that is vital to a pluralistic democracy. Of course, not all countries are pluralistic democracies. In many that aren't (and even in some that claim to be), those who campaign for a more socially, economically, and ecologically equitable world face severe repression. ... Innovation, particularly technological innovation, is always shaped by its protagonists' interests and activities, so it must be judged in its social, cultural, and environmental context. If the relevant actors are not working to champion transformative technologies, the results of innovation can reinforce the status quo, often by extending the life of products and systems that are not fit to address society's needs. |