Midnight on the Mavi Marmara
The Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and How It Changed the Course of the Israel/Palestine Conflict
Bayoumi, Moustafa
Date Written: 2010-09-01
Publisher: OR Books
Year Published: 2010
Pages: 256pp Price: $16 ISBN: 978-1-935928-00-3
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX19780
Eastern Mediterranean, Monday, May 31st, 2010, 4.30am: Israeli commandos, boarding from sea and air, attack the six boats of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla as it sails through international waters bringing humanitarian relief to the beleaguered Palestinians of Gaza. Within minutes, nine peace activists are dead, shot by the Israelis. Scores of others are injured. The 700 people on board the ships are arrested and transported to detention centres in Israel, and then deported.
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