The Struggle for Mozambique

Mondlane, Eduardo
Publisher:  Zed
Year First Published:  {47072 The Struggle for Mozambique STRUGGLE FOR MOZAMBIQUE Mondlane, Eduardo Zed Eduardo Mondlane, first President of FRELIMO, completed this classic study of his country and the history of his people's struggle against colonial rule only months before his assassination by the Portugese secret police in 1969. Out of print now for many years, Zed Press is reissuing it with two additions: an introduction by Dr. John Saul, and a biographical sketch by Professor Herbert Shore. 1969 1983 256pp BC47072-StruggleMozambique.jpg B Book 0-86232-016-X CX19690 0 false true false CX19690.htm [0xc00110f500] Cx}
Year Published:  1983
Pages:  256pp   ISBN:  0-86232-016-X
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX19690

Eduardo Mondlane, first President of FRELIMO, completed this classic study of his country and the history of his people's struggle against colonial rule only months before his assassination by the Portugese secret police in 1969. Out of print now for many years, Zed Press is reissuing it with two additions: an introduction by Dr. John Saul, and a biographical sketch by Professor Herbert Shore.

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