Workers Profiles: Below the Minimum Wage
Jaffri, Sara and Singh, Harshita
http://basicsnews.ca/belowtheminimumwage/Date Written: 2016-06-18 Publisher: Basics News Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX19671 An endless supply of alcohol, good music, pool tables, and friendly strangers -- these elements seem like a recipe for a fun time. For those of us who frequent bars and pubs, this kind of environment is exactly what we look forward to at the end of a long day or work week. Imagine working at a bar. It seems natural that bartenders would enjoy their upbeat surroundings at work as much as their customers. Now, imagine being the only worker at a bar. You alone are responsible for cleaning the bar, controlling drunk customers, serving food, buying supplies -- everything all alone during an overnight shift. Subject Headings |