Side By Side
The Autobiography of Helen Joseph
Joseph, Helen
Publisher: Zed Books, United Kingdom
Year First Published: {46063 Side By Side SIDE BY SIDE The Autobiography of Helen Joseph Joseph, Helen Zed Books United Kingdom This is the story of Helen Joseph, one of the most famous South African women to campaign against apartheid. One of the accused in the infamous Treason Trial of the 1950s, she was a white woman and the first person to be placed under house arrest, she continued despite bannings, jail, and police harassment to campaign tirelessly for freedom and justice for all people in South Africa. A deeply moving account of her 30 years' involvement in the struggle of the South African people. 1986 249pp B Book 0-86232-565-X CX18961 0 false true false CX18961.htm [0xc000358ed0 0xc000826450 0xc000c19680] Cx}
Year Published: 1986
Pages: 249pp ISBN: 0-86232-565-X
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX18961
This is the story of Helen Joseph, one of the most famous South African women to campaign against apartheid. One of the accused in the infamous Treason Trial of the 1950s, she was a white woman and the first person to be placed under house arrest, she continued despite bannings, jail, and police harassment to campaign tirelessly for freedom and justice for all people in South Africa. A deeply moving account of her 30 years' involvement in the struggle of the South African people.
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