Kidron, Michael - Writings - Index
Kidron, Michael
http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/MIA/kidron/index.htmResource Type: Article Cx Number: CX18929 Writings of Michael Kidron (1930-2003). Abstract: - Contents: March 1954 Letter to the Socialist Review August 1954 The Steel Scandal November 1954 For Democracy Within the Labour Movement August 1956 Automation (pamphlet) December 1956 Policy for Redundancy January 1957 Nationalisation is a Class Issue April 1957 The Mixed Economy May 1957 The Decline of British Capitalism Summer 1958 The economic background of the recent strikes June 1959 The Limits of Reform: A Reply to Ken Alexander November 1959 Labour after the Election: The Future of the Left January 1960 The Flow of Money (book review) January 1960 After the end of Empire February 1960 A note on the Limitations of Reforming 'Realism' Autumn 1960 Two left feet (book review) Spring 1961 Washington or Moscow? (book review) Autumn 1961 Inflation (book review) Winter 1961 Reform and Revolution - Rejoinder to Left Reformism II Spring 1962 Inside Britain (book review) Spring 1962 Tunnel or Bridge (book review) Summer 1962 Imperialism: highest stage but one Summer 1963 Bright-Wing Boy (book review) Autumn 1964 Badly Served (book review) Spring 1965 The Fire Last Time Spring 1965 International Capitalism Spring 1965 Letter to Readers on India (editorial) Summer 1965 C&A Marx (book review) August 1965 World Trade August 1965 State Capitalist Handbook Winter 1965/66 Coal, Gas & Sparks (book review) Winter 1965/66 Crooked Sixpence (book review) Winter 1965/66 Manual in Mufti (book review) Spring 1966 Centre for Socialist Education (discussion document) Spring 1966 Some Trees, No Wood (book review) Spring 1966 Whiff of Decay (book review) Autumn 1966 Pregnant Choice (book review) Autumn 1966 [Yugoslavia] Spring 1967 A Permanent Arms Economy Autumn 1967 Indonesian Communists 1968 Still a chance for the reformers Spring 1968 Marx’s Theory of Value Autumn 1968 [Russia] April/May 1969 Maginot Marxism: Mandel’s Economics 3 July 1969 Tropical Trotskyism Oct./Nov. 1969 ABM 1970 Western Capitalism Since the War (book) Feb. 1971 SALT in the wounds Mar. 1971 Memories of Development Mar. 1973 For Every Prince There is a Princess July 1977 Two insights don’t make a theory Winter 2002 Failing growth and rampant costs: two ghosts in the machine of modern capitalism Subject Headings |