James P. Cannon on the Legacy of the IWW

Cannon, James P.
Year First Published:  {44680 James P. Cannon on the Legacy of the IWW JAMES P. CANNON ON THE LEGACY OF THE IWW Cannon, James P. http://www.icl-fi.org/english/wv/1070/iww.html Formed in direct opposition to the craft unionism of the American Federation of Labor, the IWW drew its membership largely from young workers who took to the road to find work where they could -- as railroad construction workers, lumberjacks, metal miners and seamen. Taught by harsh experience that the bosses could not be overpowered at the ballot box, those who formed the IWW called for "One Big Union" that would serve as the instrument to seize the means of production from the capitalist class. 1955 2015 ART Article CX17901 0 false true false CX17901.htm [0xc000d489c0 0xc00099bd40 0xc000e63d10 0xc002838960] Cx}
Year Published:  2015
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX17901

Formed in direct opposition to the craft unionism of the American Federation of Labor, the IWW drew its membership largely from young workers who took to the road to find work where they could -- as railroad construction workers, lumberjacks, metal miners and seamen. Taught by harsh experience that the bosses could not be overpowered at the ballot box, those who formed the IWW called for "One Big Union" that would serve as the instrument to seize the means of production from the capitalist class.

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