A revolutionary attitude to Archives
From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya

Publisher:  News & Letters
Year First Published:  {44677 A revolutionary attitude to Archives REVOLUTIONARY ATTITUDE TO ARCHIVES From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya http://newsandletters.org/from-the-writings-of-raya-dunayevskaya-a-revolutionary-attitude-to-archives/ News & Letters Raya Dunayevskaya takes up the development of the Marxist-Humanist concept of Archives. 1985 2015 ART Article - <br> <br>Exc erpts: <br> <br>[S]eeing Marx's works as a totality, especially the "new moments" in the works of his last decade, set a new task for future generations to work these out for their age. For Marxist-Humanists, that also illuminated the Marxist-Humanist Archives, because it set, in a totally new context, what is meant by catching the link of continuity with Marx's Marxism, as well as revealing that the discontinuity of an age, a century later, is no barrier to catching the continuity. Marxist-Humanism's Archives demonstrate that. It continues to motivate all our writings and activities. CX17898 0 false true false CX17898.htm [0xc0011c5350 0xc0005a12c0] Cx}
Year Published:  2015
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX17898

Raya Dunayevskaya takes up the development of the Marxist-Humanist concept of Archives.


Exc erpts:

[S]eeing Marx's works as a totality, especially the "new moments" in the works of his last decade, set a new task for future generations to work these out for their age. For Marxist-Humanists, that also illuminated the Marxist-Humanist Archives, because it set, in a totally new context, what is meant by catching the link of continuity with Marx's Marxism, as well as revealing that the discontinuity of an age, a century later, is no barrier to catching the continuity. Marxist-Humanism's Archives demonstrate that. It continues to motivate all our writings and activities.

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