The todayness of Selma, USA, 1965

Denby, Charles
Publisher:  News and Letters Committees
Year First Published:  {44289 The todayness of Selma, USA, 1965 TODAYNESS OF SELMA USA 1965 Denby, Charles News and Letters Committees The arrest of over 3,500 Negroes in Selma, Ala., in three weeks just because they tried to vote, the sight of a Negro woman pinned to the ground by three fat deputies of Sheriff James Clark while Clark beat her face in with his billy club, the sight of a long line of Negro high school and grade school boys and girls who demonstrated in support of their parents' right to register and then were forced to run three miles with police billy clubs and electric cattle prods jabbed into their backs and ribs -- these things expose the great lie of President Johnson’s Great Society for all the world to see. 1965 2015 ART Article CX17713 0 false true false CX17713.htm [0xc000267f80] Cx}
Year Published:  2015
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX17713

The arrest of over 3,500 Negroes in Selma, Ala., in three weeks just because they tried to vote, the sight of a Negro woman pinned to the ground by three fat deputies of Sheriff James Clark while Clark beat her face in with his billy club, the sight of a long line of Negro high school and grade school boys and girls who demonstrated in support of their parents' right to register and then were forced to run three miles with police billy clubs and electric cattle prods jabbed into their backs and ribs -- these things expose the great lie of President Johnson’s Great Society for all the world to see.

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