Halsted Street

Friberg, Conrad
Date Written:  1931-01-01
Year First Published:  {42456 Halsted Street HALSTED STREET Friberg, Conrad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HGhZDKfM-k WFPL Documentary portraying the various ethnic groups along Chicago’s Halsted Street. 1931-01-01 1931 2000 FLL Film 1 reel. Documentary portraying the various ethnic groups along Chicago’s Halsted Street. The film presents a cross-section of daily life and activity along the length of Halsted Street in Chicago, from the city limits at the southern end to Lake Michigan on the North. Portions of the film can be seen in the film "Halsted Street USA" (1994). New York Museum of Modern Art. 11 mins. CX16676 0 false true false CX16676.htm [0xc00238c540 0xc00025d4a0 0xc00066b350] Cx}
Year Published:  2000
Resource Type:  Film
Cx Number:  CX16676

WFPL Documentary portraying the various ethnic groups along Chicago’s Halsted Street.

1 reel. Documentary portraying the various ethnic groups along Chicago’s Halsted Street. The film presents a cross-section of daily life and activity along the length of Halsted Street in Chicago, from the city limits at the southern end to Lake Michigan on the North. Portions of the film can be seen in the film "Halsted Street USA" (1994). New York Museum of Modern Art. 11 mins.

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