The National Hunger March to Washington, 1932

Seltzer, Leo; T. Hurwitz, Leo; Del Duca, Robert; Brody, Sam; Nelson, C.O.
Date Written:  1933-01-01
Year First Published:  {42451 The National Hunger March to Washington, 1932 NATIONAL HUNGER MARCH TO WASHINGTON, 1932 Seltzer, Leo; T. Hurwitz, Leo; Del Duca, Robert; Brody, Sam; Nelson, C.O. WFPL Documentary of the Second National Hunger March to Washington, D.C. 1932. 1933-01-01 1933 1982 FLL Film 4 reels. Some footage survives. Documentary of the Second National Hunger March to Washington, D.C., including introductory footage of life of the unemployed. This film documents the December 1932 march to Washington by 3,000 delegates from the National Unemployment Councils. After being detained at the outskirts of the city by a squadron of police for two days and three nights and denied a permit to march and a hall to assemble in, the marchers pressed on at last to the Capitol building. Museum of Modern Art Film Library. 18 mins. CX16673 0 false true false CX16673.htm [0xc000638f60 0xc000255f20 0xc000992b40 0xc000496360 0xc00171cf30] Cx}
Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Film
Cx Number:  CX16673

WFPL Documentary of the Second National Hunger March to Washington, D.C. 1932.

4 reels. Some footage survives. Documentary of the Second National Hunger March to Washington, D.C., including introductory footage of life of the unemployed. This film documents the December 1932 march to Washington by 3,000 delegates from the National Unemployment Councils. After being detained at the outskirts of the city by a squadron of police for two days and three nights and denied a permit to march and a hall to assemble in, the marchers pressed on at last to the Capitol building. Museum of Modern Art Film Library. 18 mins.

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