Bonus March, 1932

Seltzer, Leo, Balog, Lester
Date Written:  1932-10-01
Year First Published:  {42448 Bonus March, 1932 BONUS MARCH, 1932 Seltzer, Leo, Balog, Lester WFPL footage of the 1932 Bonus Army demanding early redemption of their service certificates in Washington D.C. through protest. 1932-10-01 1932 1982 FLL Film 2 reels. Extant. Documentary of the National Bonus March. A compilation film that incorporated Bonus Army newsreels from June and July. The film begins with an ironic homage to the heroes of World War I and Congressional legislation to provide a future service bonus for veterans. When a "Bonus Expeditionary Force" of unemployed servicemen arrived in Washington to demand immediate payment of their bonus money, President Hoover called out the regular army, under the command of MacArthur, Patton and Eisenhower, which gassed the vets out of the capital. The film sounds the call for renewed struggle reflecting the League's conviction that the film medium must serve as an essential weapon. Museum of Modern Art. 12 mins. CX16672 0 false true false CX16672.htm [0xc00062aa20 0xc00025d410 0xc000d4f230 0xc0026739e0] Cx}
Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Film
Cx Number:  CX16672

WFPL footage of the 1932 Bonus Army demanding early redemption of their service certificates in Washington D.C. through protest.

2 reels. Extant. Documentary of the National Bonus March. A compilation film that incorporated Bonus Army newsreels from June and July. The film begins with an ironic homage to the heroes of World War I and Congressional legislation to provide a future service bonus for veterans. When a "Bonus Expeditionary Force" of unemployed servicemen arrived in Washington to demand immediate payment of their bonus money, President Hoover called out the regular army, under the command of MacArthur, Patton and Eisenhower, which gassed the vets out of the capital. The film sounds the call for renewed struggle reflecting the League's conviction that the film medium must serve as an essential weapon. Museum of Modern Art. 12 mins.

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