Origins of the Chinese Revolution, 1915-1949
Bianco, Lucien; Bell, Muriel (trans.)
Date Written: 1971-01-01Publisher: Standford University Press, Standford, USA Year First Published: {42142 Origins of the Chinese Revolution, 1915-1949 ORIGINS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION 1915 1949 Bianco, Lucien; Bell, Muriel (trans.) Standford University Press Standford USA An introduction to China's passage to revolution which takes as its central theme the relationship between China's social crisis and the revolutionary movement. 1971-01-01 1967 1971 223pp BC42142-OriginsChineseRev.jpg B Book 0-8047-0827-4 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>Foreword by Mark Selden <br> <br>1. The end of a world <br>2. Intellectual origins of the Chinese Revolution <br>3. The early years of the Communist Party <br>4. Social causes of the Chinese Revolution <br>5. Reform or revolution? <br>6. Nationalism and revolution <br>7. The Red Army triumphs <br> <br>Conclusion <br> <br>Suggested readings <br>Index CX16497 1 false true false CX16497.htm [0xc0000d91d0 0xc0000ed1d0 0xc0000edec0 0xc001e0d4d0] Cx} Year Published: 1971 Pages: 223pp ISBN: 0-8047-0827-4 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX16497 An introduction to China's passage to revolution which takes as its central theme the relationship between China's social crisis and the revolutionary movement. Abstract: - Table of Contents: Foreword by Mark Selden 1. The end of a world 2. Intellectual origins of the Chinese Revolution 3. The early years of the Communist Party 4. Social causes of the Chinese Revolution 5. Reform or revolution? 6. Nationalism and revolution 7. The Red Army triumphs Conclusion Suggested readings Index Subject Headings |