Women and Environment in the Third World
Alliance for the Future

Dankelman, Irene; Davidson, Jaon
Publisher:  Earthscan Publications, United Kingdom
Year Published:  1988
Pages:  210pp   ISBN:  1-85383-003-8
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX16008

An account of the problems faced by women in the management of land, water, forests, energy and human settlements. The autors describe ways in which women can organized to meet environmental, social and economic challenges.


Table of Contents

Authors' Preface
Foreword by The Hon. Mrs Victoria Chitepo
Introduction: Women Have Something to Say

Part I. Women, Environment and Natural Resources
1. Why Women?
2. Land: Women at the Centre of the Food Crisis
3. The Invisible Water Managers
4. Women and Forests: fuel, Food and Fodder
5. Women's Energy Crisis
6. Human Settlements: Women's Environment of Poverty

Part II. Women and Environmental Conservation
7. Women Working for Conservation
8. Training Women
9. Planning the Family: A Woman's Choice?
10. Women Organize Themselves
11. The International Response
12. Working Together for the Future

Resource Organizations

Subject Headings

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