Theses on Libertarian Municipalism

Bookchin, Murray
Date Written:  1985-05-01
Publisher:  Our Generation
Year First Published:  {36189 Theses on Libertarian Municipalism THESES ON LIBERTARIAN MUNICIPALISM Bookchin, Murray Our Generation These theses advance the view that a libertarian municipalism is possible and a new civic politics is definable as a dual power that can counterpose assembly and confederal forms to the centralized State. 1985-05-01 1984 1985 ART Article CX15253 1 false true false CX15253.htm [0xc000fd3200 0xc001236cf0 0xc0025e6e40] Cx}
Year Published:  1985
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX15253

These theses advance the view that a libertarian municipalism is possible and a new civic politics is definable as a dual power that can counterpose assembly and confederal forms to the centralized State.

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