Eyes Like Blank Discs
The Guardian's Steven Poole On George Orwell's Politics And The English Language
Date Written: 2013-01-24
Publisher: MediaLens
Year First Published: {35362 Eyes Like Blank Discs EYES LIKE BLANK DISCS The Guardian's Steven Poole On George Orwell's Politics And The English Language http://www.medialens.org/index.php/alerts/alert-archive/alerts-2013/715-eyes-like-blank-discs-the-guardian-s-steven-poole-on-george-orwell-s-politics-and-the-english-language.html MediaLens Poole's review of Orwell is itself a textbook example of the kind of alienated response described by Orwell, Fromm and Schmidt. Whereas Orwell's essay is the work of an impassioned, outspoken individual opposing 'the machine society’, Poole's article is the work of a corporate professional operating ‘within the confines of an assigned ideology’. 2013-01-24 2013 2014 ART Article CX14820 0 false true false CX14820.htm [0xc0007de540 0xc000f59d40 0xc001444d80 0xc000f2fe00] Cx}
Year Published: 2014
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX14820
Poole's review of Orwell is itself a textbook example of the kind of alienated response described by Orwell, Fromm and Schmidt. Whereas Orwell's essay is the work of an impassioned, outspoken individual opposing 'the machine society’, Poole's article is the work of a corporate professional operating ‘within the confines of an assigned ideology’.
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