The Russian Enigma: Lenin, Also...
Chapter 9 of Book 3 of The Russian Enigma, cut by the publisher of the original 1938 version
Ciliga, Ante
Year First Published: {35042 The Russian Enigma: Lenin, Also... RUSSIAN ENIGMA LENIN ALSO Chapter 9 of Book 3 of The Russian Enigma, cut by the publisher of the original 1938 version Ciliga, Ante Chapter 9 of Book 3 of Ante Ciliga's The Russian Enigma originally published as In The Land of The Great Lie. The book details Ciliga's time spent in Soviet Prisons and 'isolaters' following his arrest for belonging to the Trotskyist Opposition, and provides a wealth of important documentary information concerning the miserable conditions in which the working class were reduced to living in, the extent of the 'criminalisation' of large swathes of the population, and the various forms in which resistance appeared. 1938 1979 ART Article CX14605 0 false true false CX14605.htm [0xc001bff950 0xc001d569f0 0xc000f1e990 0xc00199ff20 0xc0010a4420] Cx}
Year Published: 1979
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX14605
Chapter 9 of Book 3 of Ante Ciliga's The Russian Enigma originally published as In The Land of The Great Lie. The book details Ciliga's time spent in Soviet Prisons and 'isolaters' following his arrest for belonging to the Trotskyist Opposition, and provides a wealth of important documentary information concerning the miserable conditions in which the working class were reduced to living in, the extent of the 'criminalisation' of large swathes of the population, and the various forms in which resistance appeared.
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