A Persistent Peace
One Man's Struggle for a Nonviolent World

Dear, John
Publisher:  Loyola
Year First Published:  {33985 A Persistent Peace PERSISTENT PEACE One Man's Struggle for a Nonviolent World Dear, John Loyola Jesuit priest John Dear ministers to the needy at the margins of society. He is a pacifist and anti-war activist who has spoken out against the Pentagon and the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq. His views about Christ's teachings on nonviolence have also made him a rebel in the Catholic Church. 2007 2008 437pp BC33985-PersistentPeace.jpg B Book 9780829427202 CX14145 0 false true false CX14145.htm [0xc0010c9c20 0xc00236b020 0xc000197290 0xc0008bcbd0 0xc001f73080 0xc0020d10e0 0xc0020ec330 0xc000383e30 0xc0003d2e40] Cx}
Year Published:  2008
Pages:  437pp   ISBN:  9780829427202
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX14145

Jesuit priest John Dear ministers to the needy at the margins of society. He is a pacifist and anti-war activist who has spoken out against the Pentagon and the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq. His views about Christ's teachings on nonviolence have also made him a rebel in the Catholic Church.

Subject Headings

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