America Beyond Capitalism
Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy
Alperovitz, Gar
Year First Published: {33746 America Beyond Capitalism AMERICA BEYOND CAPITALISM Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy Alperovitz, Gar Alperovitz goes beyond the confines of orthodox thinking, imagines a new way of living together, and offers a set of practical ideas that promise a truly democratic society. 2004 2006 BC33746s-Alperovitz.jpg B Book 978-0471790020 CX13991 0 true true false CX13991.htm [0xc00102ac30 0xc000263e00] Cx}
Year Published: 2006
ISBN: 978-0471790020
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX13991
Alperovitz goes beyond the confines of orthodox thinking, imagines a new way of living together, and offers a set of practical ideas that promise a truly democratic society.
Subject Headings