Drinking the Sea at Gaza
Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege

Hass, Amira
Publisher:  Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt & Co,
Year First Published:  {27283 Drinking the Sea at Gaza DRINKING THE SEA AT GAZA Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege Hass, Amira Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt & Co, Israeli journalist Amira Hass describes life in Gaza under Israeli siege. 1996 1999 379pp $26 BC27283-DrinkingSeaGaza.jpg B Book CX11784 0 true true false CX11784.htm [0xc0008e2960 0xc001b965d0 0xc001ef1080 0xc0000ac930 0xc000191410] Cx}
Year Published:  1999
Pages:  379pp   Price:  $26   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX11784

Israeli journalist Amira Hass describes life in Gaza under Israeli siege.

Subject Headings

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