Out Our Way
Gay & Lesbian Life in Rural Canada

Riordon, Michael
Publisher:  Between the Lines
Year First Published:  {27259 Out Our Way OUT OUR WAY Gay & Lesbian Life in Rural Canada Riordon, Michael http://www.michaelriordon.net Between the Lines Explores the richly varied life experience of gay and lesbian Canadians living in small towns and rural areas across the country. Travelling 27,000 km and recording more than 300 conversations, the author distills stories of people aged fifteen to eighty-one, including First Nations/Two-Spirited, people living with HIV/AIDS, individuals, couples, communes, and a range of chosen families. Riordon includes his own experience and his partner's in rural eastern Ontario. 1996 1998 199pp B Book 1-896357-05-9 CX11766 1 false true false CX11766.htm [0xc000daaf00 0xc00136ec90 0xc000368360 0xc0002e1020 0xc000319d70 0xc0008b68d0 0xc0008d62d0 0xc0008f3140 0xc00090cb40 0xc0004caf90 0xc000ae36b0 0xc001bb4870 0xc00220a8a0 0xc001b284b0] Cx}
Year Published:  1998
Pages:  199pp   ISBN:  1-896357-05-9
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX11766

Explores the richly varied life experience of gay and lesbian Canadians living in small towns and rural areas across the country. Travelling 27,000 km and recording more than 300 conversations, the author distills stories of people aged fifteen to eighty-one, including First Nations/Two-Spirited, people living with HIV/AIDS, individuals, couples, communes, and a range of chosen families. Riordon includes his own experience and his partner's in rural eastern Ontario.

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