The Pillage of the Third World

Jalee, Pierre
Publisher:  Monthly Review Press, New York
Year First Published:  {26796 The Pillage of the Third World PILLAGE OF THE THIRD WORLD Jalee, Pierre Monthly Review Press New York This book investigates whether, despite the termination of old colonial ties, the metropolitan areas of the world do not continue to exploit the underdeveloped countries of the world by virtue of long-established economic relationships. 1965 1968 115pp BC26796s-PillageofThirdWorld.jpg B Book 85345-118-4 CX11586 0 false true false CX11586.htm [0xc002443aa0 0xc0000bb590 0xc000bba420 0xc00166ad50] Cx}
Year Published:  1968
Pages:  115pp   ISBN:  85345-118-4
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX11586

This book investigates whether, despite the termination of old colonial ties, the metropolitan areas of the world do not continue to exploit the underdeveloped countries of the world by virtue of long-established economic relationships.

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