The French Anarchists
From Chapter 1 of Memoirs of a Revolutionary
Year First Published:  {25544 The French Anarchists FRENCH ANARCHISTS From Chapter 1 of Memoirs of a Revolutionary Of this hard childhood, this troubled adolescence, all those terrible years, I regret nothing as far as I am myself concerned. I am sorry for those who grow up in this world without ever experiencing the cruel side of it, without knowing utter frustration and the necessity of fighting, however blindly, for mankind. Any regret I have is only for the energies wasted in struggles which were bound to be fruitless. These struggles have taught me that, in any man, the best and the worst live side by side, and sometimes mingle - and that what is worst comes through the corruption of what is best. 1943 1967 ART Article CX10838 0 false true false CX10838.htm [0xc000ff7d70 0xc0012b4e40 0xc000fab770] Cx}
Year Published:  1967
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX10838

Of this hard childhood, this troubled adolescence, all those terrible years, I regret nothing as far as I am myself concerned. I am sorry for those who grow up in this world without ever experiencing the cruel side of it, without knowing utter frustration and the necessity of fighting, however blindly, for mankind. Any regret I have is only for the energies wasted in struggles which were bound to be fruitless. These struggles have taught me that, in any man, the best and the worst live side by side, and sometimes mingle - and that what is worst comes through the corruption of what is best.

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