Karl Marx: The Story of His Life
Mehring, Franz
http://www.marxists.org/archive/mehring/1918/marx/index.htmYear First Published: {25418 Karl Marx: The Story of His Life KARL MARX THE STORY OF HIS LIFE Mehring, Franz http://www.marxists.org/archive/mehring/1918/marx/index.htm A biography of Karl Marx 1918 1936 575pp B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Translator's Preface <br>Author's Introduction <br>Chronological Table <br> <br>Chapter One - Early Years <br>One - Home and School <br>Two - Jenny Von Westphalen <br> <br>Chapter Two - A Pupil of Hegel <br>One - The First Year in Berlin <br>Two - The Young Hegelians <br>Three - The Philosophy of self-consciousness <br>Four - The Doctoral Dissertation <br>Five - The "Anekdota" and the "Rheinische Zeitung" <br>Six - The Rhenish Diet <br>Seven - Five Months of Struggle <br>Eight - Ludwig Feurebach <br>Nine - Marriage and Banishment <br> <br>Chapter Three - Exile in Paris <br>One - The "Deutsgh-Franzosische Jahrbugher" <br> <br>Chapter Four - Friedrich Engels <br>One - Office and Barracks <br>Two - English Civilization <br>Three - "The Holy Family" <br>Four - A Fundamental Socialist Work <br> <br>Chapter Five - Exile in Brussels <br>One - The "German Ideology" <br>Two - "True Socialism" <br>Three - Weitling and Proudhon <br>Four - Historical Materialism <br>Five - The "Deutsche Brusseler Zeitung" <br>Six - The Communist League <br>Seven - Propaganda in Brussels <br>Eight - "The communist Manifesto" <br> <br>Chapter Six - Revolution and Counter-Revolution <br>One - February and March Days <br>Two - June Days <br>Three - The War Against Russia <br>Four - September Days <br>Five - The Cologne Democracy <br>Six - Freiligrath and lassalle <br>Seven - October and November Days <br>Eight - An Act of Perfidy <br>Nine - And Another Cowardly Trick <br> <br>Chapter Seven - Exile in London <br>One - The "Neue Rheinische Revue" <br>Two - The Kinkel Affair <br>Three - The Split in the Communist League <br>Four - Life in Exile <br>Five - "The Eighteenth Brumaire" <br>Six - The Communist Trial in Cologne <br> <br>Chapter Eight - Marx and Engels <br>One - Genius and Society <br>Two - An Incomparable Alliance <br> <br>Chapter Nine - The Crimean War and the Crisis <br>One - European Politics <br>Two - David Urquhart, G.J. Harney and Ernest Jones <br>Three - Family and Friends <br>Four - The Crisis of 1857 <br>Five - The "Critique of Political Economy" <br> <br>Chapter Ten - Dynastic Changes <br>One - The Italian War <br>Two - The Dispute with Lassale <br>Three - New Struggles in Exile <br>Four - Interludes <br>Five - "Herr Vogt" <br>Six - Domestic and Personal <br>Seven - Lassalle's Agitation <br> <br>Chapter Eleven - The Early Years of the International <br>One - The Founding of the International <br>Two - "The Inaugural Address" <br>Three - The Breath with Schweitzer <br>Four - The First Conference in London <br>Five - The Austro-Prussian War <br>The Geneva Congress <br> <br>Chapter Twelve - "Das Kapital" <br>One - Birth Pangs <br>Two - The First Volume <br>Three - The Second and Third Volumes <br>Four - The Reception of "Capital" <br> <br>Chapter Thirteen - The International at its Zenith <br>One - England, France and Belgium <br>Two - Switzerland and Germany <br>Three - Bakunin's Agitation <br>Four - The Alliance of Socialist Democracy <br>Five - The Basle Congress <br>Six - Confusion of Geneva <br>Seven - The "Confidential Communication" <br>Eight - The Irish Amnesty and the French Plebiscite <br> <br>Chapter Fourteen - The Decline of the International <br>One - Sedan <br>Two - After Sedan <br>Three - "The Civil War in France" <br>Four - The International and the Paris Commune <br>Five - The Bakunist Opposition <br>Six - The Second Conference in London <br>Seven - The Disintegration of the International <br>Eight - The Hague Congress <br>Nine - Valedictory Twinges <br> <br>Chapter Fifteen - The Last Decade <br>One - Marx at Home <br>Two - The German Social Democracy <br>Three - Anarchism and the War in the Near East <br>Four - The Dawn of a New Day <br>Five - Twilight <br>Six - The Last Year <br> <br>Notes as to Sources <br>Appendix <br>Bibliography <br>Index CX10712 1 false true false CX10712.htm [0xc0004a3410 0xc00040c4b0 0xc00069fb60 0xc000714d50 0xc0007d63c0] Cx} Year Published: 1936 Pages: 575pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX10712 A biography of Karl Marx Abstract: - Table of Contents Translator's Preface Author's Introduction Chronological Table Chapter One - Early Years One - Home and School Two - Jenny Von Westphalen Chapter Two - A Pupil of Hegel One - The First Year in Berlin Two - The Young Hegelians Three - The Philosophy of self-consciousness Four - The Doctoral Dissertation Five - The "Anekdota" and the "Rheinische Zeitung" Six - The Rhenish Diet Seven - Five Months of Struggle Eight - Ludwig Feurebach Nine - Marriage and Banishment Chapter Three - Exile in Paris One - The "Deutsgh-Franzosische Jahrbugher" Chapter Four - Friedrich Engels One - Office and Barracks Two - English Civilization Three - "The Holy Family" Four - A Fundamental Socialist Work Chapter Five - Exile in Brussels One - The "German Ideology" Two - "True Socialism" Three - Weitling and Proudhon Four - Historical Materialism Five - The "Deutsche Brusseler Zeitung" Six - The Communist League Seven - Propaganda in Brussels Eight - "The communist Manifesto" Chapter Six - Revolution and Counter-Revolution One - February and March Days Two - June Days Three - The War Against Russia Four - September Days Five - The Cologne Democracy Six - Freiligrath and lassalle Seven - October and November Days Eight - An Act of Perfidy Nine - And Another Cowardly Trick Chapter Seven - Exile in London One - The "Neue Rheinische Revue" Two - The Kinkel Affair Three - The Split in the Communist League Four - Life in Exile Five - "The Eighteenth Brumaire" Six - The Communist Trial in Cologne Chapter Eight - Marx and Engels One - Genius and Society Two - An Incomparable Alliance Chapter Nine - The Crimean War and the Crisis One - European Politics Two - David Urquhart, G.J. Harney and Ernest Jones Three - Family and Friends Four - The Crisis of 1857 Five - The "Critique of Political Economy" Chapter Ten - Dynastic Changes One - The Italian War Two - The Dispute with Lassale Three - New Struggles in Exile Four - Interludes Five - "Herr Vogt" Six - Domestic and Personal Seven - Lassalle's Agitation Chapter Eleven - The Early Years of the International One - The Founding of the International Two - "The Inaugural Address" Three - The Breath with Schweitzer Four - The First Conference in London Five - The Austro-Prussian War The Geneva Congress Chapter Twelve - "Das Kapital" One - Birth Pangs Two - The First Volume Three - The Second and Third Volumes Four - The Reception of "Capital" Chapter Thirteen - The International at its Zenith One - England, France and Belgium Two - Switzerland and Germany Three - Bakunin's Agitation Four - The Alliance of Socialist Democracy Five - The Basle Congress Six - Confusion of Geneva Seven - The "Confidential Communication" Eight - The Irish Amnesty and the French Plebiscite Chapter Fourteen - The Decline of the International One - Sedan Two - After Sedan Three - "The Civil War in France" Four - The International and the Paris Commune Five - The Bakunist Opposition Six - The Second Conference in London Seven - The Disintegration of the International Eight - The Hague Congress Nine - Valedictory Twinges Chapter Fifteen - The Last Decade One - Marx at Home Two - The German Social Democracy Three - Anarchism and the War in the Near East Four - The Dawn of a New Day Five - Twilight Six - The Last Year Notes as to Sources Appendix Bibliography Index Subject Headings |