My Life

Trotsky, Leon
Publisher:  Pathfinder Press, USA
Year First Published:  {25233 My Life MY LIFE Trotsky, Leon Pathfinder Press USA Trotsky's autobiography, published in 1930. 1930 1970 602pp BC25233w-TrotskyLife.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction (by Joseph Hansen) <br>Foreword <br> <br>Chapter One - Yanovka <br>Chapter Two - Our neighbors and my first school <br>Chapter Three - Odessa: my family and my school <br>Chapter Four - Books and early conflicts <br>Chapter Five - Country and town <br>Chapter Six - The break <br>Chapter Seven - The first revolutionary organization <br>Chapter Eight - My first prisons <br>Chapter Nine - My first exile <br>Chapter Ten - My first escape <br>Chapter Eleven - An emegre for the first time <br>Chapter Twelve - The Party Congress and the split <br>Chapter Thirteen - The return to Russia <br>Chapter Fourteen - The year 1905 <br>Chapter Fifteen - Trial, exile, escape <br>Chapter Sixteen - The second foreign exile: German socialism <br>Chapter Seventeen - Preparing for a new revolution <br>Chapter Eighteen - the beginning of the war <br>Chapter Nineteen - Paris, and Zimmerwald <br>Chapter Twelve - My expulsion from France <br>Chapter Twenty One - Through Spain <br>Chapter Twenty Two - New York <br>Chapter Twenty Three - In a concentration camp <br>Chapter Twenty Four - In Petrograd <br>Chapter Twenty Five - Concerning slanderers <br>Chapter Twenty Six - From July to October <br>Chapter Twenty Seven - The deciding night <br>Chapter Twenty Eight - "Trotskyism" in 1917 <br>Chapter Twenty Nine - In power <br>Chapter Thirty - In Moscow <br>Chapter Thirty One - Negotiations at Brest-Litovsk <br>Chapter Thirty Two - Peace <br>Chapter Thirty Three - A month of Sviyazhsk <br>Chapter Thirty Four - The train <br>Chapter Thirty Five - The defense of Petrograd <br>Chapter Thirty Six - The military opposition <br>Chapter Thirty Seven - Disagreements over war strategy <br>Chapter Thirty Eight - The transition to the New economic policy, and my relations with Lenin <br>Chapter Thirty Nine - Lenin's illness <br>Chapter Forty - The conspiracy of the Epigones <br>Chapter Forty One - Lenin's death and the shift of power <br>Chapter Forty Two - The last period of struggle within the Party <br>Chapter Forty Three - The exile <br>Chapter Forty Four - The deportation <br>Chapter Forty Five - The planet without a visa <br> <br>Index CX10527 1 false true false CX10527.htm [0xc00150d5f0 0xc000262a80 0xc0002636b0 0xc00045e1e0 0xc0004b4810 0xc0004f3170 0xc0025166f0 0xc000da19e0 0xc001fa2270] Cx}
Year Published:  1970
Pages:  602pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX10527

Trotsky's autobiography, published in 1930.


Table of Contents

Introduction (by Joseph Hansen)

Chapter One - Yanovka
Chapter Two - Our neighbors and my first school
Chapter Three - Odessa: my family and my school
Chapter Four - Books and early conflicts
Chapter Five - Country and town
Chapter Six - The break
Chapter Seven - The first revolutionary organization
Chapter Eight - My first prisons
Chapter Nine - My first exile
Chapter Ten - My first escape
Chapter Eleven - An emegre for the first time
Chapter Twelve - The Party Congress and the split
Chapter Thirteen - The return to Russia
Chapter Fourteen - The year 1905
Chapter Fifteen - Trial, exile, escape
Chapter Sixteen - The second foreign exile: German socialism
Chapter Seventeen - Preparing for a new revolution
Chapter Eighteen - the beginning of the war
Chapter Nineteen - Paris, and Zimmerwald
Chapter Twelve - My expulsion from France
Chapter Twenty One - Through Spain
Chapter Twenty Two - New York
Chapter Twenty Three - In a concentration camp
Chapter Twenty Four - In Petrograd
Chapter Twenty Five - Concerning slanderers
Chapter Twenty Six - From July to October
Chapter Twenty Seven - The deciding night
Chapter Twenty Eight - "Trotskyism" in 1917
Chapter Twenty Nine - In power
Chapter Thirty - In Moscow
Chapter Thirty One - Negotiations at Brest-Litovsk
Chapter Thirty Two - Peace
Chapter Thirty Three - A month of Sviyazhsk
Chapter Thirty Four - The train
Chapter Thirty Five - The defense of Petrograd
Chapter Thirty Six - The military opposition
Chapter Thirty Seven - Disagreements over war strategy
Chapter Thirty Eight - The transition to the New economic policy, and my relations with Lenin
Chapter Thirty Nine - Lenin's illness
Chapter Forty - The conspiracy of the Epigones
Chapter Forty One - Lenin's death and the shift of power
Chapter Forty Two - The last period of struggle within the Party
Chapter Forty Three - The exile
Chapter Forty Four - The deportation
Chapter Forty Five - The planet without a visa


Subject Headings

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