Alberta Vocational Centre
Organization profile published 1980
Year Published: 1980
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX1046
Facing the problem of five million adult Canadians who are without the fundamental education skills to function adequately in society, the Alberta Vocational Centre offers some attempts to solve the problem. Some of their programs are Academic Upgrading, Building Services, Business Education, Nursing Assistant, and English as a Second Language.
A major program recently created is Library Outreach, for illiterate adults. Primarily an upgrading progam, the adults themselves play a major role in the program. They determine their own needs and goals, and aim through the program to increase their self-confidence through acquiring basic education skills.
A number of students that attend classes at the Centre are referred by Canada Manpower, Indian Affairs, the Compensation board or the Province. These government programs also sponsor the students financially. The government is also proposing a tax on industry to raise money for literacy education. The government is also willing to give tax reduction to employers who encourgage and provide opportunities for futher education. Through such measures, the work of Centres like Alberta Vocational Centre will become more adequate.
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