Teaching Underdevelopment

Williams, Rick
Publisher:  Ideas and Action, Food and Agricultural Organization of the U.N., Rome, Italy
Pages:  4   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX1031

Development studies is outlined here as one basic approach to education. This article arises out of the 1970 Third World Project at the Ontario Institue for Studies in Educaiton.

Development studies is outlined here as one basic approach to education. This article arises out of the 1970 Third World Project at the Ontario Institue for Studies in Educaiton.

The present method of teaching underdevelopment to Ontario students tends to create sorrow, then apathy concerning the poor of the Third World. All too often we are left with the unanswered question--what can we do? Development studies seeks answers to this question. The search for answers begins with two basic questions. The ideological question determines what is good for the developing nation. The second question is how to bring about this good, how to promote development.

Using these questions and a more inter-disciplinary approach to teaching, students are encouraged to participate in their own education. One major goal is to enable others to appreciate and be actively sympathetic with the struggles of third-world people.

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