Acid Rain
The Devastating Impact On North America

Howard, Ross. Perley, Michael
Publisher:  McGraw-Hill Book Company
Year First Published:  {58813 Acid Rain ACID RAIN The Devastating Impact On North America Howard, Ross. Perley, Michael McGraw-Hill Book Company This is a study of the catastrophe of acid rain; where is comes from, how it is formed, and what its effect are on land, water, air, vegetation, animals, and thus on people, food and industry. 1982 206pp BC58813-AcidRain.jpg B Book 0-07-030546-3 1 false false true CA58813.htm [0xc000967410 0xc00073f200 0xc000c97140 0xc000e21c50 0xc001e35bc0 0xc001e520f0 0xc001e527b0] Ca}
Year Published:  1982
Pages:  206pp   ISBN:  0-07-030546-3
Resource Type:  Book

This is a study of the catastrophe of acid rain; where is comes from, how it is formed, and what its effect are on land, water, air, vegetation, animals, and thus on people, food and industry.

Subject Headings

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