And Still They Dance
Women, War and the Struggle for Change in Mozambique

Urdang, Stephanie
Publisher:  Earthscan Publications Ltd
Year First Published:  {58788 And Still They Dance AND STILL THEY DANCE Women, War and the Struggle for Change in Mozambique Urdang, Stephanie Earthscan Publications Ltd A vivid description of the situtation of women in independent Mozambique- the hopes for development and equality, the internal contradictions of nation policy, the enormous devastation of South Africa's brutal contra war. 1989 256pp BC58788-AndStillTheyDance.jpg B Book 1-85383-038-0 1 false false true CA58788.htm [0xc000c76150 0xc000c9b3e0 0xc00230cbd0 0xc00245e5a0 0xc0024814a0 0xc0024a4030 0xc0024d6240] Ca}
Pages:  256pp   ISBN:  1-85383-038-0
Resource Type:  Book

A vivid description of the situtation of women in independent Mozambique- the hopes for development and equality, the internal contradictions of nation policy, the enormous devastation of South Africa's brutal contra war.

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