CBC Radio badly off track with

Fillmore Nick
Date Written:  2017-08-22
Year Published:  2024
Resource Type:  Article

I’m not surprised that many of my friends have abandoned CBC Radio. I think traditional listeners are leaving in droves. CBC Radio is fixated on building an audience by providing trivial, entertainment-like. For many managers, numbers are more important than content.



“I used to listen to CBC Radio all day,” says a former CBC producer/friend. “Now, I listen very little. The personal storytelling and victimhood are irritating and are in much of the schedule. A former colleague remarked recently that CBC Radio has never met a victim it doesn’t like.”

Weak programming

Critical analysis is non-existent in these programs. They have very little redeeming value.

With the CBC strapped for cash, Radio One is sinking a whack of money into these programs. More than 25 hosts and producers work full-time, part-time on on contract on these shows, and some of them travel across the country.

This money should be used to add programs that explore major thematic issues week after week. It’s practically criminal that the CBC Radio does not have a program on the climate change crisis.
Excellent programming can be inexpensive to produce. A top notch broadcaster interviewing interesting people can result in great radio.

So why are we getting this strange hybrid of broadcasting at CBC Radio?

Says an insider: “Over the years, management, at least on the English side, has devalued "intellectual' content. They think it's boring, high-minded, ivory tower stuff. They want ‘stories’ – compelling, if well told, and cheap to do. The mantra at CBC Radio is, ‘Tell us your story.’"
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