Canadian Dimension - Volume 13 - Number 02

Publisher:  Canadian Dimension, Winnipeg, Canada
Pages:  56 pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


True Dimensions
The Serpents of Ste Therese
The ABC's of Devaluation
The Presses Roll, Le Soleil Still Out
Reagan's Civil Slave Act
Lougheed Aussi!
Baie Verte Miners
Notes on May Day
If You're so Liberated, Go out and "Earn" a Living!
Report on Atlantic Canada
The Nine Myths of Regional Disparity
Every Buddy and Cultural Underdevelopment
Fish and the Fishermen: The Struggle for our Natural Resources
1: The Crisis in the Newfoundland Fishery
2: The Fishermen's Union in Newfoundland
3: Nova Scotia: "Fish at My Price or Don't Fish
"People are our Biggest Product": Atlantic Canada and the Industrial Reserve Army
Canada's "Eastern Question": A Reader's Guide to Regional Underdevelopment
The Second Thoughts of Chairman Tim
Better Read!
Star Wars: Racism as Science Fiction
Where is your voice coming from Rudy Wiebe?

Subject Headings

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